Thursday 10 May 2012

Who Are We Here For?

The image above is a word cloud created in Tagxedo from the introduction to Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010).   Some of the dominant words that pop up are not surprising. Policy and boards compete for our attention with schools and students. This is representative of the factors that as a new teacher will compete for your time and attention with regard to assessment.

It is crucial for us to keep in mind why we are here and who we are here for...our students. Though there are certain policies we must respect and follow, this blog will provide some practical ways to do so that also keeps the best interests of our students in mind.

Note: For those unfamiliar, Tagxedo allows users to create word "clouds" or formations using a selection of text. The frequency of certain words in the text selection determines their size in the cloud. Arguably, size identifies the dominant themes in a selection of text.

Try it out!

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