Thursday 10 May 2012

Meat and Potatoes

There is some new jargon being thrown around regarding assessment types and purposes. Despite the confusing terminology you'll notice some familiar concepts.

Previously Known As: Diagnostic Assessment
Details: This type of assessment provides information about a student’s knowledge and skills before learning takes place (usually at the beginning of the school year or unit of study).
Examples: performance tasks, surveys/questionnaires, KWL charts, graphic organizers, conferences

Previously Known As: Formative Assessment
Details: This type of assessment usually consists of a series of assessments of a student’s skills and knowledge as learning is taking place. This type of assessment provides teachers with valuable feedback on the success of the lesson as it progresses. Teachers are also able to provide immediate feedback to students to keep them motivated and to guide their learning.
Examples: anecdotal notes/observations, checklists, exit cards, peer/self-assessments, discussion, journal entries

Previously Known As: Summative Assessment
Details: This type of assessment takes place at the end of a learning unit. Used together with diagnostic and formative assessment, summative evaluations provide information about a student’s progress over time.
Examples: performance tasks, projects, presentations, written tests, portfolios

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